Monday, August 3, 2009

Adios, America

I've landed safely in London. My final weekend was truly frantic - rushing around to see people on Friday and Saturday, then packing / purging my things on Sunday. I ended up moving with virtually the clothes on my back - two checked bags, one backpack, and one laptop bag. I own nothing more (ok - keep me honest - my house is still for sale).

The way my friends reacted to my departure reminded me very much of when I left for India. Certain people stepped up and wanted to see me more, while others faded away. It's a very good indicator for who will or will not put effort into keeping up a friendship going forward. And this is not a sad note, FYI - this is a happy note, in fact. Most everyone that I expected made an effort to see me, and a couple people who are relatively new friends surprised me with an exceptional effort to spend time with me.

Wow. I mean, what can I say? It made me feel good to feel loved. But it also mires me in melancholy now that I have moved away from some of those great relationships. I'm sure I will form new bonds in London, but they aren't in place yet. They will come, and I will learn to love London. But in the short-term a move is always hard.

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