Sunday, March 30, 2008

Formula One Malaysian Grand Prix - The Scene

The crowd and the energy are a big part of seeing Formula One races live. Almost all of these people have spent a fortune to travel around the world and support their team. Many came all the way from Europe. As a result, you're looking at rabid fans. And colorful fans! F-1 teams have splashy, bright colors. Ferrari is solid red. Renault is blue and yellow. McLaren is electric orange, white, and silver.

There are some real characters at the race. This guy is a gladiatior (Italian) riding a stylized black horse (Ferrari). He kept banging his sword against the sign, which was clever play on the opposing drivers' history. Hamilton ("theif") is a McLaren driver, and last year McLaren stole some technology / spied on Ferrari. Alonso ("traitor") is a Renault driver that was on the McLaren team, but he jumped ship. It helps to know some of the F-1 history; I did a crash course in the week leading up to the race.

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