Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Batu cave interior, amazing race

Apparently the Batu caves were featured on the Amazing Race (season 9). Excerpted summary from someone's blog:

"Charla and Mirna were the first to arrive in Kuala Lumpur at 4:45AM, and learned teams had to now take a train and a bus to the Batu Caves, with the catch being they had to decide which train and bus "would serve them best." The cousins received some help from locals on their plane and boarded the correct train and bus to the Batu Caves. When they arrived at the steps of the caves, Charla and Mirna spotted the clue box perched high above them requiring a long walk up a very long set of steep stairs. After reaching the top, they opened their clue and learned they had to travel 10 miles by taxi to Kampung Baru Mosque and search the nearby streets for their next clue and the first opportunity in the race for a Yield, which allows a team to slow down another team behind them but can only be used once by each team during the race.

Eric and Danielle, Dustin and Kandice and Ozzy and Danny all arrived in Malaysia at 7:25AM and used different tactics to find the best route to the Batu Caves. Eric and Danielle asked for help at the airport, Dustin and Kandice followed Charla and Mirna's idea and received help on the plane and Ozzy and Danny did research at the hotel. While they all used different routes, they all eventually arrived at the caves, with Dustin and Kandice second behind Charla and Mirna, followed by Ozzy and Danny in third and Eric and Danielle in fourth. "

This gives me a new perspective on the Amazing Race, because that description is not dissimilar from my experience. I landed at 6am, took the train to my hotel, dropped my bags, took another train to Putra, then took a taxi to Batu Caves. And you know what? IT WAS NOT HARD AT ALL!!!

Where do I begin? Everyone in Malaysia speaks decent English, so asking for help is easy. But c'mon, who needs help? Kuala Lumpur has one of the best public transportation systems I've seen - better than Athens or Atlanta, and up there with London. There are only three train lines and a monorail. And one of the train lines is the Putra line - so if you're looking for Putra, it's hard to miss. The train cost me 75 cents USD and the taxi from the train station was an extra $3.

All of which to say - I've always thought that the Amazing Race has to be easier than it looks. "For their next task, teams must book a plane ticket! And then use a well-marked public transportation system!" Wowsers.

Ok, enough about the Amazing Race. These pictures are from the inside of Batu cave. The ceiling rises a stunning 300 feet above the floor, and it's got a lot of interesting visual details because it's very craggy. It's not like other caves that I've seen that are mostly smooth and have stalagmites. The scale is hard to describe, but it's impressive. Inside there are assorted shrines to Hindu gods. They seem out of place amongst the rock features,

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