Saturday, October 3, 2009

Trini Barbeque night

London is a truly international city in a way that Atlanta never was. This night was no exception. My roommate, Mark, knew a girl from Trinidad. She invited Mark to a barbecue and I tagged along. It was south of the city - farther south than I had been before, to an area called Clapham.

The short list of things I didn't know ahead of time: absolutely everyone else was from Trinidad (of all places!), and it was a themed party (so everyone was wearing a costume that started with the letter "B"). Needless to say, I was a little out of place! But I felt welcome to be there.

Some of the better costumes included Bob the Builder, a Biker, Barack Obama, Betty Boop, and...

A Beefeater! Definitely my favorite costume. The fact that he was tending the grill (including beef sausages) was too perfect. They served some of the best chorizo I've had in London. The weather here, despite advance warnings to the contrary, has been really nice over the past couple months. I could count on one hand the number of times it has rained, with only two legitimate downpours. Most days I'm in a t-shirt and jeans. And yeah, I've been here two months - today is my anniversary!

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