Friday, June 13, 2008

Singapore Night Zoo show

Work sent me to Singapore in mid-May. I didn't get to see much of the country, to be honest, since I was so busy during the day. But fortunately enough, I was able to see their night zoo. Singapore has a zoo full of almost entirely nocturnal animals. Aside from being a great idea, this suits the country very well as a destination for conferences.

One of the highlights is the animal show. The animals come out and do funny tricks. Some of the more wild ones - an enormous hyena, for example - just come out long enough to wolf down a hunk of meat. This snake (below) was hidden in the audience just before the show, underneath the benches. You should've seen some peoples' reactions! Another highlight was the tram ride through the zoo. A lot of the zoo's exhibits are unfenced, so the animals are milling around the tram as you ride around. It occurred to me reach out and pet some of the more docile-looking animals. But it also occurred to me that I might draw back a bloody stump, so I held off.

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