Thursday, September 30, 2010

Flashback - January - MBAT

In January I traveled to HSBC (just outside of Paris) for MBAT. This is an annual tournament for all the MBA schools in Europe. LBS, naturally being one of the largest schools, was a perennial winner and 5-time-running champion.

Well, until we broke the streak. But who can blame us? HSBC has started recruiting athletes, and gives academic class credit for exercise (effectively like taking a PE class in high school). I don't disagree with the idea, though - it seems to have created a shared bond within the school, a commonality for everyone to rally around. LBS is probably 4x larger but we were beaten in most of the sports we competed head-to-head in. Basketball was no exception, but it was a thriller - it came down to literally the last shot / possession.

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