Monday, December 28, 2009

Patriots-Buccaneers American Football

The fact that I'm blogging about this betrays how behind I am on blogging (you could check your NFL schedule). But it's Christmas break, which should give me plenty of time to catch up.

I went to the game! This will end up being my only game of the year, and in pure football terms, it wasn't a great one. The Bucs were seriously outmatched by the Pats. The Bucs will end up winning 3-4 games this year. But it was SO good to see a football game live. It's one of my favorite things to do. I was so caught up in the moment and the excitement that I don't know if I could tell you a single play that happened. I remember that the Patriots won!

Another bonus: my roommate knew one of the Patriots players. And now I know a few, as well. We got to sit in the Patriots' team seats for free, and then we went out drinking with the team after the game. It ended up being one of my favorite - if not my absolute favorite - nights out on the town in London. The players were all great guys. R down to earth, normal people. I know that the Patriots' head coach, Bill Belichick, recruits "high character" guys. It definitely shows.

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