Monday, February 11, 2008

Typical day

I was writing someone an e-mail, and I realized that this is good stuff for a blog entry. This was my day today. It wasn't exciting, but it's very typical of what I do in a work day. So you can get a feel for what I'm up to.

10:15am Woke up

1pm Headed into the office
2pm - 3pm Looked at the plan for inter-company transfer pricing from India to the US. We have to bill the India employees back at cost + 20%. I figured out that the plan won't work and recommended a change.
3pm - 4pm Looked at the financial reports in our accounting system. The ones for India still aren't working.
4pm - 5pm Reviewed my US employee's work over the past two weeks; prepared feedback comments.
5pm - 6pm Prepped the head of India for a sales meeting with a potential client, a big travel agency
6pm - 7pm Sales pitch to the client
7pm - 8:30pm Feedback conference call with my US employee. Gave her new projects / goals to work on.
8:30pm Headed home
10pm - 10:30pm Followed-up with US team on the India financial reports
10:30pm - 11pm Sent out a proposal to the CFO on how to structure India for tax purposes, in order to pay the least taxes. There are risks of getting audited and owing a lot of money if we don't do this correctly. I am mostly in charge of this.
11pm - 11:30pm Followed up with the US legal team on contracts for a new India client. Followed up with US product experts to ask questions and follow up on the sales meeting that I had today at 6pm.
11:30pm - 1:00am Completed the online annual review for my US employee

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